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Periodic Table of Elements

| See more in Chemistry

Valence Electrons, Ionization Energy, Atomic Mass

Created Date 09.11.20
Last Updated 09.12.20
Viewed 14 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost shell. Skipping the transition metals/sunken rows you have hydrogen in column one meaning it only has one electron, beryllium two electrons, boron three electrons, carbon four electrons, nitrogen five electrons, oxygen six electrons, fluorine seven electrons, and helium in the last column having eight electrons. The number of the columns is represented by the valence electrons which means that the ones column of the number is the amount of valence electrons. What is the number of valence electrons of nitrogen?
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  • What is the valence number of Og? (*atomic number is 118*)
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  • Which has less valence electrons As or Xe?