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Music Matters!

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Unit 1 Test Review

Created Date 09.09.20
Last Updated 09.09.20
Viewed 5 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Music is the study of...
  • What causes the sound waves that make us hear sound?
  • The three properties of sound are...
  • How many parts of the brain does listening or creating music activate?
  • There are three major chemicals that music helps the brain regulate: Cortisol, Dopamine, and Oxytocin. What are the things these chemicals control?
  • Creating music has even greater benefits for your brain function than listening to music?
  • How old is music?
  • What are the two oldest types of instruments known to be created and used (other than the voice)?
  • What was one of the odd materials used to make pre-historic instruments found in Germany?
  • What is the difference between pre-historic music and ancient music?
  • How was the oldest song we have documented today written down?
  • Which is one of the three regions or countries where we have the earliest documentation of ancient music?
  • How did we define culture?
  • Which of the following is an example of a factor in culture?
  • What two things make up the cycle of music cultural identity?
  • How many countries out of the known 251 world countries have a national anthem?
  • Music has always been available to everyone at all times no matter your age, status, gender or location.
  • What are three societal factors that have helped change music?
  • Which of the following are examples of cultural purposes for music?
  • What example from Native American culture did we talk about using old musical customs for modern day use?
  • What instrument from the African countries of Ghana and Nigeria was used to characterize the Black Panther?