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Review Activity - 1935 Constitution

| See more in Political Science

This is a review activity for Grade 6 students about the approved Constitution in the Philippines in 1935.

Created Date 08.14.20
Last Updated 08.17.20
Viewed 2 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • He signed and approved the1935 Constitution.
  • Sakdalistas of Luzon was a movement and had been fighting for tax reductions, land reform, the break up of the large estates or haciendas, and complete independence from the United States.
  • It became the supreme law of the land.
  • 1935 Constitution has executive and judicial branches of government.
  • He was elected as the president of the Constitutional Convention during the framing of the 1935 COnstitution.
  • What happened on July 10, 1934?
  • Improvement in transportation and communication was one of the improvements that happened in the Philippines during the American colonization.